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Genuine tantric masseuse ,Jacky is a delicious fuck



Published on 11 Jun 2023

My name is Jacky, and I am a highly qualified and experienced tantric masseuse and massage therapist. I offer a genuine tantric massage, which is so much more than a regular massage. The whole body is massaged, bringing you to the ultimate heights of pure pleasure. Time and space dissolve, and everyday troubles fade away. For those who have a lot of stress, taking a break is just what you need to relax. You will be amazed at how light your body will feel. Tantra gives us a natural high that makes us feel alive, as if we are floating on air. With variable pressure and touch, the mind and body fluctuate between a deeply relaxed state and states of energetic arousal. I use a variety of tantric techniques to delay and enhance release. Clients enjoy this process as it heightens sensitivity and awareness of your own body. If you enjoy sensual touch and being pampered, Tantra is perfect for you. My massage temple is based in a private, discrete street in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. It is comfortable, warm, and seductive... the perfect surroundings; peaceful, beautiful music playing to relax you; candlelight providing a warm intimacy; essential oils scenting the air to calm and tantalize you; the perfect setting for you to unwind with the perfect ending. If you want to experience something different that takes you to different levels emotionally, then I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I'm happy to discuss any questions that you have, so please call for any further details. On a personal level, I am easygoing, open-minded, and non-judgemental.I accept bookings between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.; it is always best to book in advance. Also, be aware that I do not answer withheld numbers. I ask all clients to shower before the massage if this is not possible. Shower facilities and clean towels are available for you; it is imperative to be spotlessly clean before the massage. Thank you

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